Leading the Journey to Addiction Free Living

Overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in North America for people under 50.
We are creating a new standard for addiction treatment using patient centered,
evidence based protocols and nouveau modalities.
Now you can be part of the solution.

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Percentage of Canadian adults suffering from addiction


Relapse rate associated with current treatment modalities


Increase in overdose deaths amongst First Nations communities in BC (2019-2020)

35 Million

People receiving treatment for addiction in treatment centres


Annual Increase in Substance Abuse Deaths worldwide since 1999

$ 2.93 tillion

The cost of the Opioid Crisis in the USA from 2015-2018


Recognized as a powerful addiction interrupter

Ibogaine is a naturally-occurring molecule derived from the root bark of the iboga tree and other plants. It is a potent and serious medical psychedelic which has addiction interrupting properties.

Ibogaine has a “Prescription Drug List” status in Canada (vs. Schedule 1 in the US) facilitating research and development toward medicalization.

Ibogaine targets multiple receptors across multiple sites in the brain and metabolizes into noribogaine, a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor that remains in the body for 1-4 months, associated with elimination of addictive cravings.


Our Mission

Our mission is to redefine the addiction recovery experience, providing those living with addiction the best possible recovery.

While seeking to move Ibogaine through Clinical Trials in Canada, we are building a network of holistic recovery clinics and a state of the art treatment program centred around new treatment modalities.

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